Development Effectiveness Report 2022

10 The concept of early operating maturity (EOM) is used to determine the timing of project evaluation for private sector projects. As defined by the Evaluation Cooperation Group’s Good Practice Standards (ECG-GPS), EOM for real sector projects happens after about 18 months of operations, for financial sector projects after 2 years following the last material disbursement, and 3 years after the last material disbursement for corporate projects. More details in Annex 2 of files/GPS4%20-%20ECG%20FINAL%20-%2008Nov11.pdf.

11 During that period, 135 public sector operations, 32 private sector operations and 65 public and private trade finance operations reached completion/early operating maturity. The results of these projects were delivered between 2012 and 2021. For details on methodology see Annex 3.

12 Of the benefiting populations, 4.1 million were documented as actual patients of the new or improved healthcare facilities. This data point is, however, underestimating the number of actual patients who benefited: While 9 projects reported building or improving 117 healthcare facilities, only 3 projects reported data on patients treated.

13 The available documentation for the remaining 31% of non-trade projects did not allow for the extraction of relevant results data. This was due in part to the non-availability of relevant reports, in part to the available reports not including results data.

It is important to note that, except for trade finance, the above results were delivered by the 69 percent of all (non- trade) projects reaching completion/EOM for the period for which data was available. 13 Most results in the agriculture, health, transport, education and water & sanitation sec- tors were delivered by public sector projects. Private sec- tor projects contributed heavily to the results of MW power capacity installed (98 percent of renewable and 25 percent of traditional energy MW installed) and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) financed (65 percent of MSMEs financed).

Reflecting the regional and sectoral distribution of the ex- amined projects (see Annex 3), most results measuring im- proved access to water & sanitation, healthcare and energy were in Africa (Figure 15) . In line with the geographical focus of the Fund’s analyzed private sector operations a majority of its MSME projects were in Asian countries, followed by Latin America and the Caribbean. The main project results reflect not only the distribution of completed projects since 2018 included in this analysis (51 percent Africa, 22 percent Asia, 21 percent Latin America and the Caribbean, 6 percent Europe, 1 percent global), but also the nature of projects in each region and data availability.

Figure 15: Regional distribution of main development results

Nr. of farmers benefited

Nr. of jobs supported Nr. of MSMEs financed

Nr. of households with new/improved water connections/access Nr. of households with new/improved electricity/energy access km of road built/rehabilitated Nr. of women empowered

Nr. of health care facilities built/upgraded Nr. of students benefited Nr. of educational facilities built/upgraded km of transmission lines built/rehabilitated GW energy capacity installed/refurbished Nr. of people trained

Population benefited by health projects





Latin America and the Caribbean


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