Clean cooking is an increasing priority in the international development arena and a key frontier in tackling global climate challenges. There is extensive ev- idence on the importance of clean cooking for health, the environment, gen- der equality and poverty reduction. New technologies and business models are emerging rapidly and there is growing interest from a diverse range of financi- ers. Yet there are also many practical challenges that need to be tackled before investment in clean cooking can reach the scale required to accelerate progress towards universal access.
This survey of clean cooking has highlighted a number of key lessons for the OPEC Fund and its partner countries:
• The transition to clean cooking is complex, without simple or one-size-fits-all solutions. Each country will need to plan its own clean cooking transition, deploy- ing a range of fuels and technologies. • Governments need to be in the driver’s seat, developing national clean cooking strategies that are tailored to each unique context and which clearly signal national priorities to stakeholders. These strategies should be supported by policies, regula- tions and standards that encourage innovation and investment. • Private sector firms will lead on the development of new cooking technologies and business models. Careful market research is needed to understand the needs and preferences of different market segments. • Affordability remains a key constraint on universal access. National strategies may need to involve elements of public subsidies, but these should be carefully targeted and temporary. Firms also have a key role to play in developing business models that are suited to low-income settings. Models such as pay-as-you-go can help re- duce upfront costs and mirror household expenditure patterns on traditional fuels.
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