DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS The landscape of international development partners prepared to support clean cooking is diverse and growing all the time. It includes bilateral development agencies, working individually or through cooperative platforms such as CCA, MECS, multilateral development banks, development finance institutions, foun- dations and private impact investors. At this stage of development, clean cook- ing needs a diverse range of support. This section sets out some of the most important ways in which development partners can help to take clean cooking to scale. Grants and Technical Assistance (TA): Grant funding plays an essential role in many countries (particularly low-income countries) embarking on the clean cook- ing transition. TA grants can be used to support governments or their designat- ed public sector agencies to build capacity and put in place enablers for private investment. Key activities include developing national policies, strategies, regula- tions and standards, conducting social and market analysis, establishing national research and development programs and public education and awareness-raising programs. There is also an important role for grant funding in supporting promising clean cooking enterprises. CCA’s analysis suggests that grants accounted for 3 per- cent of all funds raised by clean cooking enterprises in 2022, although this has been as high as 15 percent in the past. Grant funding can be used to establish business incubators that nurture local clean cooking enterprises with seed funding, training and technical support and to support research, innovation and piloting. Program examples include the World Bank’s Clean Cooking Fund (CCF) and the Modern Cooking Facility for Africa (MCFA, see Box 12). Integrating Clean Cooking into Other Programs: In a 2022 review of the clean cooking funding landscape, MECS recommended that MDBs and DFIs integrate clean cooking components into their sector operations. Examples include introduc- ing home biogas technology as part of climate-smart agriculture (see Box 13), in- corporating e-cooking into household electrification programs and integrate clean cooking into programs that support infrastructure development in the health and education sectors. The OPEC Fund actively does this as demonstrated by a re- cently approved project in Tanzania (Climate Smart Dairy Transformation) that has a clean cooking component which involves using biogas as a fuel for clean cook- ing stoves.
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