promote entrepreneurship and innovation. The government of India worked with the MECS program to identify and fund emerging clean cooking initiatives. The program trained and mentored entrepreneurs, helping them create a business plan and providing cash grants to the most promising submis- sions. In 2021, Nepal’s National Planning Commission worked with CCA to develop an action plan for transforming the na- tional cookstoves and fuels market. It sets out measures to drive innovation in distribution models, including by coor- dinating with agricultural cooperatives to leverage existing seed and fertilizer networks, employing local women as sales agents for clean cookstoves and using customer manage- ment software to streamline the costs of last-mile distribu- tion businesses. 110
TABLE 5: Options for Regulating Clean Cooking
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
• Safety rules for LPG storage, transportation and handling • Rules requiring LPG cylinders to be owned, inspected and maintained by LPG marketers (the “branded cylinder recirculation model”), rather than customers • Licensing of distributors, transporters and selling agents • Penalties for unsafe filling practices
Electric cooking
• National safety standards for e-cooking devices such as hotplates and pressure cookers
Biogas and Bioethanol
• Policy frameworks to incentivize the installation of biodigesters by the private sector 111 • Definitions and standards for ethanol fuel • Licensing of stoves
Improved biomass stoves
• Establish public or trade bodies to set voluntary standards for biomass stoves, drawing on ISO standards • Regulations or industry standards for pellet production
110 Clean Cooking Alliance (2022) Country Action Plan (CAP) for Transforming the Cookstoves and Fuels Market in Nepal, https://cleancooking.org/reports-and- tools/country-action-plan-for-transforming-the-cookstoves-and-fuels-market- in-nepal/
111 Puzzolo, H., et al (2019) Supply Considerations for Scaling Up Clean Cooking Fuels for Household Energy in Low-and Middle-Income Countries, Volume 3, issue 12, Review Article, Advancing Earth And Space Sciences, https://agupubs. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2019GH000208
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