Policies and Strategies: So far, only a minority of developing countries have enacted comprehensive national policies and strategies to support clean cooking and many countries are yet to formally adopt the SDG 7 target of universal access by 2030. 99 The challenge often lies in the lack of a clear lead agency within an administration, capacity constraints and/ or poor coordination across ministries involved. 100 A well-for- mulated strategy setting out institutional roles and respon- sibilities can help resolve these challenges. 101 Based on data and analysis, the strategy should identify a set of priority clean cooking solutions with associated target populations. It should provide a clear signal to private investors on the
government’s intentions (such as introducing price subsidies and the distortions they can create – as highlighted above) to help inform investment decisions. Many countries are opt- ing to do this in the form of integrated energy plans, which analyze energy consumption needs across different eco- nomic sectors and the mix of energy sources best suited to meeting them. Clean cooking commitments can also be in- corporated into Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement. Many countries are also incorporating clean cooking objectives into other national programs such as electricity, water, education, nutrition and health.
The Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA), a global network of partners, has established the Clean Cooking De- livery Units Network to provide tailored support to national governments seeking to achieve ambi- tious clean cooking transitions. The initiative is part- nering with governments in Africa and around the
world to launch dedicated teams of clean cooking experts reporting to national leaders at presidential or ministerial level, with CCA providing funding and technical support. The Delivery Units coordinate clean cooking activities, policies and programming, to accelerate access at a national level.
99 International Energy Agency (2023) A Vision for Clean Cooking Access for All, World Energy Outlook Special Report, https://www.iea.org/reports/a-vision-for- clean-cooking-access-for-all 100 Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (2011) Igniting Change: A Strategy for Universal Adoption of Clean Cookstoves and Fuels, https://cleancooking.org/ reports-and-tools/igniting-change-a-strategy-for-universal-adoption-of-clean- cookstoves-and-fuels/ 101 SEforALL (2023) ‘Ghana energy transition plan gains momentum as consultations held with President Akufo-Addo, ministers, local stakeholders’, https://www.seforall.org/news/ghana-energy-transition-plan-gains-momentum- as-consultations-held-with-president-akufo-addo “Our focus now is on translating global advocacy for clean cooking into concrete actions within national planning. It is easy to state objectives and set targets, but the real challenge lies in implementing these actions. Integrated energy plans not only define a country’s path (or trajectories) to electrification but also provide clear plans for achieving access to clean cooking.” - Sustainable Energy for All
102 Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (2017) Comparative Analysis of Fuels for Cooking: Life Cycle Environmental Impacts and Economic and Social Considerations, https://cleancooking.org/wp-content/facit/assets-facit/ Comparative-Analysis-for-Fuels-FullReport.pdf 103 MECS (2021) Global Market Assessment for electric cooking, https://pure. strath.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/123386173/Coley_etal_MECS2021_Global_ market_assessment_electric_cooking.pdf 104 Vigolo et al., (2018) Drivers and Barriers to Clean Cooking: A Systematic Literature Review from a Consumer Behaviour Perspective, Sustainability 2018, 10(11), 4322, https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/11/4322
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