OPEC Fund Clean Cooking Report 2024


Across clean cooking the main consensus is that there is no one-size-fits-all options. The IEA’s Vision for Clean Cooking Access for All report sketches out a global pathway to univer- sal access involving a diverse portfolio of fuels and technol- ogies (see Figure 4). 93 For most countries, the path towards universal access will involve multiple options to reflect the needs of different geographical areas and market segments. This puts national policy-makers in the driving seat. They are best placed to determine which investments to prioritize, based on the conditions present in each country. There is a growing number of tools to support their decision-making. SEforAll is developing integrated energy plans based on ge- ospatial data and affordability considerations (see Box 8). 94 The Clean Cooking Alliance has developed the Fuel Analysis, Comparison & Integration Tool (FACIT), which helps policy- makers “to interactively analyze and compare trade-offs of different cooking fuels”. 95 The WHO’s Benefits of Action to Reduce Household Air Pollution (BAR-HAP) Tool also helps with identifying clean cooking policy interventions to maxi- mize health impacts. 96 In each case, the starting point should be detailed analysis of market conditions across the country

and an explicit statement of which benefits policy-makers choose to prioritize.

The range of clean cooking options can make it challenging for financiers to develop harmonized approaches. However, development partners such as the OPEC Fund are increasing- ly adopting a fuel- and technology-neutral approach, signal- ing their willingness to support individual national pathways towards universal access. This approach also benefits from the advanced collaboration that the OPEC Fund has devel- oped with key organizations such as SEforALL, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and CCA, which have built up country and solutions knowledge in many years of clean cooking engagements.

FIGURE 4: Share of Population Gaining Access by Technology (IEA’s Access for All Scenario, 2022-2030)

Biogas & ethanol 232 m

Electricity 890 m


Biogas & ethanol



People without access 2 bn

LPG 1.48 bn


Improved stoves




Natural gas 1.68 bn

Source: IEA. Licence: CC by 4.0

94 SEforALL (n.d) Universal Integrated Energy Plans, https://www.seforall.org/ programmes/universal-integrated-energy-plans - :~:text=An%20IEP%20is%20 a%20’power,help%20them%20reach%20these%20goals.; examples of tool application for Nigeria and Malawi: SEforALL (n.d) Universal Integrated Energy Planning, https://sdg7energyplanning.org/

95 Clean Cooking Alliance, Fuel Analysis, Comparison & Integration Tool (FACIT), Research Report, https://cleancooking.org/reports-and-tools/fuel-analysis- comparison-integration-tool-facit/ 96 Benefits of Action to Reduce Household Air Pollution (BAR-HAP) Tool (Version 2, July 2021), https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/benefits-of- action-to-reduce-household-air-pollution-(bar-hap)-tool-(version-2-july-2021)


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