TABLE 1: Recent International Commitments on Clean Cooking
International Energy Agency (IEA) Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa – May 2024 • The first ever high-level clean cooking summit focused on providing clean cooking access to the more than one billion people in Africa who currently lack it; close to 60 countries took part, with over 1,000 delegates in attendance. The summit mobilized US$2.2 billion in pledges from governments and the private sector. • Co-chaired by the leaders of the governments of Tanzania and Norway, the African Development Bank and the IEA. Global Electric Cooking Coalition – November 2023 • Enable mass transition (more than 10 percent of households and institutions) to e-cooking solutions in at least 10 countries by 2030. • An alliance of experts and advocates, anchored by the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, Energising Development (EnDev), Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) and Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS). Council on Ethanol Clean Cooking – November 2022 • A multi-stakeholder platform launched at COP27 aimed at advancing ethanol as a clean cooking fuel by increasing awareness, capacities, ambition, and technology transfer in developing countries, least-developed countries, and Small Island Developing States. • Originally launched by the governments of Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Madagascar and Kenya, the council now has 21 members.
G20 Initiative on Clean Cooking and Energy Access 30 – September 2022 • A commitment to accelerating access to clean cooking and electrification by: i. Addressing data and finance gaps for off-track countries. ii. Consolidating approaches to clean cooking. iii. Assisting countries to develop national clean cooking and integrated energy plans. iv. Building public and private sector capacity in targeted countries. v. Supporting institutions and enabling frameworks. • Signatories: G20 Energy Ministers.
SDG 7 Multi-Stakeholder Energy Compact 31 – October 2021 • An initiative launched by the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) to unlock SDG 7 through clean cooking, inviting signatories to identify their own specific commitments and actions to deliver the SDG 7 targets. • Endorsed by a wide range of clean energy sector stakeholders, including firms and NGOs. UN Global Roadmap for Accelerated SDG 7 Action 32 – September 2021 • A pledge to accelerate action towards the SDG 7 targets, including on universal access to clean cooking, in recognition that the SDG 7 pledge of energy access for all is off-track. • Signatories: 130 heads of state and government and other stakeholders at the High-Level Dialogue on Energy.
30 G20 Energy Ministers Meeting Communique, September 2020, https://g20. utoronto.ca/2020/2020-g20-energy-0928.html 31 Clean Cooking Alliance (nd), Unlock the SDGs and Net-Zero with Clean Cooking: SDG 7 Multi-Stakeholder Energy Compact, UN, https://www.un.org/ sites/un2.un.org/files/clean_cooking_energy_compact_final.pdf
32 Global Roadmap for Accelerated SDG 7 Action in Support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2021), https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/2021/11/hlde_outcome_-_ sdg7_global_roadmap.pdf
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