OPEC Fund Quarterly - 2024 Q4


(L to R) John Kuchaka, Ministry of Finance, Tanzania; Juan Felipe Murcia, Development Effectiveness Specialist, OPEC Fund; Elizabeth Hassan, Senior Counsel, OPEC Fund; Pierre Biedermann, Environmental Specialist; Hatem El Bakkali, Senior Country Manager, OPEC Fund

transmission and improving the interconnection of the Katavi region to the national grid. In the transport sector, priorities include upgrading the Makingolosi–Rungwa–Noranga road project (356 km). The OPEC Fund has a strong track record in Tanzania’s transport sector with currently nine approved projects for a total of US$92.73 million that have either fully or partly supported the construction and upgrading a total length of about 321 km to bituminous standard roads and the construction of 485 km rural gravel roads. These traffic arteries are vital to the progress and development of Tanzania and its neighbors – getting goods to ports, farmers to markets and patients to hospitals. To paraphrase a local Swahili saying: Life’s caravan must go on!

The OPEC Fund has invested over US$92 million in nine approved infrastructure projects in Tanzania.


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