OPEC Fund Quarterly - 2024 Q2


How can the private sector help support sustainable economic development in developing countries?

T ypically, when thinking of sustainable economic development, the main organizations that come to mind are the government-funded multilateral development banks (MDBs)/development finance institutions (DFIs), bilateral agencies, and other publicly supported bodies such as development organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and charities. However, a core partner to developing countries is the private sector, which plays a crucial role in supporting sustainable economic development through various means.

Investing in sustainable infrastructure projects that support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as renewable energy, clean water, sanitation and transportation, can drive economic growth while also promoting environmental sustainability and social inclusion. These investments create employment opportunities, improve productivity and enhance quality of life for communities.

Investment in sustainable infrastructure

Private sector firms often bring advanced technologies, innovation and know-how to developing countries, facilitating innovation and productivity gains across sectors. This technology transfer can help bridge the development gap, driving economic growth through the development of new products, services and business models, while also promoting sustainable industrialization. Large corporations can support SMEs through supply chain partnerships, mentorship programs and access to finance. By fostering the growth of small businesses, the private sector can stimulate entrepreneurship, create value chains and spur local economic development.

Technology transfer

Supporting small and medium-sized enterprises

Private businesses create jobs, which are vital for reducing poverty and fostering inclusive economic growth. By providing jobs, they empower individuals and communities to improve their living standards and contribute to the economy. Moreover, the private sector is the main provider of employment in developing (and developed) economies. Therefore, governments must create supportive environments that enable businesses to thrive: respect for the rule of law, guaranteed property rights and robust banking sectors that can lend to businesses.

Job creation


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