Development Effectiveness Report 2023


– Unless otherwise stated, ‘$’ refers to US$. – Transactions approved in euros have been converted to US$. – Minor discrepancies between figures and totals are due to rounding. – Commitments are operations and agreements that have been signed by the relevant parties.


Cover: AdobeStock; Page 5: OPEC Fund/Abdullah Alipour Jeddi; Pages 8/9: iStock; Pages 12/13: AdobeStock; Pages 30/31: JAKOBHOFF; Page 32: AdobeStock; Page 33: AdobeStock; Page 35: WFP/Deborah Nguyen; Page 39: iStock; Page 40: DONOT6_STUDIO/ Shutterstock; Page 41: IFAD/ Guy Stubbs, IFAD/Boudoin Mouanda; Page 42: AdobeStock; Page 43: Momen_frames/Shutterstock; Page 44: Barna Tanko/Shutterstock; Page 45: Futurepump/Jeffrey M. Walcott; Page 46: Omri Eliyahu/Shutterstock; Page 47: IFAD/Paolo Marchetti; Pages 48/49: iStock; Page 55: AdobeStock; Page 56: ADB, OPEC Fund/Andreas Habermaier; Page 57: Vivid imagery/ Shutterstock; Pages 58/59: OPEC Fund; Page 60: Aqib Yasin/Shutterstock, Auxin/Shutterstock, PIU; Pages 62/63: IFAD/Paolo Marchetti; Page 67: Futurepump/Jeffrey M. Walcott; Pages 68/69: AdobeStock; Page 71: IFAD/ Paolo Marchetti; Page 79: IFAD/Marco Salustro


Publishers THE OPEC FUND Parkring 8, PO Box 995; 1010 Vienna, Austria T: +43 1 515 64 - 0; F: +43 1 513 92 38

Executive Editor: Nadia Benamara Production Editor: Iris Vittini Encarnacion Editorial Team: Ulrike Haarsager, Howard Hudson, Mohammad Mazraati, Juan Felipe Murcia, Axel Reiserer, Nicholas Smith

Design: The Gentlemen Creatives GmbH, Vienna, Austria Printed in Austria by Print Alliance HAV Produktions GmbH

This report is printed on paper from responsibly managed forests.


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