Development Effectiveness Report 2023


To collect high-quality data, particularly on OFRF level 2 and 3 indicators, the OPEC Fund has rolled out a project-level OFRF toolkit (below). To implement this toolkit, the OPEC Fund’s Development Effectiveness Unit, which is separate from the OPEC Fund’s operations area, works closely with

project teams while providing external validation, consisten- cy checks and quality control. In addition to supporting in- dividual project teams in the preparation of their projects, the Development Effectiveness team has also produced and shared guidelines on these tools and provides regular training.


Lessons learned

The Project Results Framework is a comprehensive and con- sistently structured table for projects to state their develop- ment objectives and to provide baseline and target values for the main project outputs and outcomes. To the extent feasible, the Project Results Framework makes use of stand- ardized indicators for ease of aggregation and reporting to the OFRF. Its use is mandatory in project documents both at the preliminary (Concept) and final (Governing Board Paper) approval stage and will be used to track the achievement of expected results over time. The Evaluation Readiness Checklist assesses the extent to which project documents contain the elements needed for informed decision-making from a development effective- ness perspective, as well as for project evaluation upon completion. Necessary elements include information on the development problem addressed, the expected results, monitoring arrangements, as well as cost-effectiveness and sustainability aspects of a given project. The checklist is ap- plied to each project prior to its final approval. Its format intends to guide operational teams as they prepare their projects and documents for approval. The Strategic Alignment Checklist records each project’s alignment with the SDGs and other OPEC Fund strategic priorities. This allows the Fund to better track the strategic alignment of its portfolio for planning and reporting purpos- es. It is applied both at the preliminary (concept) and final (Governing Board paper) approval stage.

Project evaluation

Project preparation

Evaluation Readiness checklist

Strategic Alignment checklist

Project Results Framework

Implementation & results monitoring


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