Development Effectiveness Report 2023


The results achieved during this last period add to the development results presented in last year’s report. Figure 12 overleaf shows some of the main development results of operations completed or matured from 2018 12 to June 2023, 13 with those figures showing an increase compared to last year’s results in red font.

Figure 12: Main documented development results of OPEC Fund projects completed/reaching EOM 2018 to June 2023

11,058 km roads built/ rehabilitated (+205)

466,529 women empowered (+56,100)

32.56 million population benefiting from health projects (+15.7 million)

119 healthcare facilities built/upgraded (+2)

2.105 million farmers benefited (+346,620)

2.88 million households with new or improved electricity connections (+19,498)

433,464 people trained (+30,214)

240,409 households with new or improves water connections

137,630 jobs supported (+278)

US$2.53bn in trade facilitated (+341 million)

5.76GW in energy capacity installed or refurbished (of which 1.41GW renewable) (+1.981/+1.077)

15,723 km transmission lines built/ rehabilitated

346,742 MSMEs financed (+4,646)

210,221 students benefited (+127,939)

337,339 Households supported with emergency or other financial assistance (+337,339)

167 educational facilities built/upgraded

12 Four projects included in last year’s analysis, and therefore these results, have since last year seen a retroactive change to their completion dates to earlier years. For continuity and comparability to last year’s stocktaking exercise, the results of these four projects continue to form part of the totals shown below.

13 Annex 3 outlines the composition of all projects reviewed as part of this analysis and discusses methodological aspects and data limitations.


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