Development Effectiveness Report 2023


As a result, the two hospital were upgraded from General Hospitals to Regional Referral hospitals with a larger catch- ment area and therefore benefiting population: The catch- ment population is now 2.27 million for Kayunga hospital (from under 400,000 previously); while for Yumbe it is 1.63 million (from 900,000 people previously). Since residents of Yumbe and Kayunga and the neighboring districts are not required to travel far for specialized medical referral servic- es anymore, the project contributed to significantly improv- ing the accessibility to health facilities by the population within 5km of reach to 92 percent at the national level. The improved and increased staff housing units at the two hospitals have furthermore allowed the hospitals to attract specialist doctors and other staff required for the upgraded status of the two hospitals. The annual number of outpa- tients visits has steadily increased from 23,827 (2020) to 35,376 (2023) at Yumbe hospital and from 40,456 (2020) to 74,893 (2023) at Kayunga hospital. Similarly, the num- ber of annual maternity admissions has more than tripled at both hospitals, the number of deliveries almost quadru- pled at Kayunga and more than quadrupled at Yumbe, an- tenatal care visits increased by 37 percent (Kayunga) and

72 percent (Yumbe) and the number of laboratory diagnos- tics tests increased more than 25 times (Kayunga) and by 48 percent (Yumbe). New capabilities and facilities allowed the hospitals to provide more complete care, such as cae- sarean sections, the number of which increased from 0 in 2020 to 818 annually in 2022 at Kayunga hospital. Similarly, emergency cases treated at the hospitals increased from 0 to 3,961 (Kayunga) and 2 to 130 (Yumbe).

HEALTH CARE FACILITIES The project contributed to significantly improving access to for Uganda’s population.


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