Development Effectiveness Report 2023


Most project results were achieved in partner countries in Africa, followed by Asia (Figure 11) .

Figure 11: Regional distribution of main development results

Nr. households w. new/improved sanitation

Nr. of farmers benefited Nr. of MSMEs financed Nr. of jobs supported Nr. of women empowered km of road built/rehabilitated Nr. of households with new/improved energy access Nr. of people trained GW energy capacity installed/refurbished/refurbished Nr. of students benefted Nr. of health care facilities built/upgraded Population benefited by health projects Nr. households supported w. emergency/financial assistance



Latin America and the Caribbean Global

Of the 278 jobs created that were documented, 105 were for women. The 4,643 MSMEs supported benefited from loans and guarantees worth US$335.78 million. For this period, the only project reaching EOM in the agriculture sector was a loan to an agricultural commodity trading company which manages a vertically integrated supply chain that supports mainly African farmers. The 359,420 farmers benefited by this project refer to those farmers in OPEC Fund partner countries that benefited from extension services by this company during the project implementation period. The 127,939 students supported were the result of a project in the financial sector, the Regional Education Finance Fund for Africa that encourages identified financial institutions to ex- pand their education finance portfolios by providing wholly dedicated medium to long term funding. Of these students reached, 55,199 were female.

multisector project all public sector in Africa, Asia and Lat- in America & the Caribbean), 190 km of water pipes/trunk systems (from one public multisector project in Nepal) and installed 31,106 cubic meters of water tank capacity (from the same multisector project in Nepal) benefiting 13,680 households with new or improved connections to sewer sys- tems or other safe wastewater disposal. OPEC Fund projects also installed/refurbished 1,981GW energy capacity through four energy projects including a private sector gas-fired combined-cycle power project in Armenia, two hydropower public sector projects in Pakistan producing renewable en- ergy and one public sector power plant in Egypt producing non-renewable energy. In the health sector, the two health facilities listed among the main results were delivered by one project which reha- bilitated and expanded two hospitals in Uganda. The project included the rehabilitation, construction and equipment of numerous buildings and facilities that form part of the two

OPEC Fund projects built or rehabilitated 205 km of roads (from four transport projects, one health project and one


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