Development Effectiveness Report 2023




This chapter introduces a new feature of the OPEC Fund Development Effectiveness Reports: Each year, we will highlight and discuss a specific aspect of development that relates to the Sustainable Development Goals. This al- lows for a more in-depth look at the challenges faced by developing countries around the world. This year, we focus on SDG 2 - Zero Hunger. Within this simple-sounding yet complex goal, this chapter focuses on food security and its links to challenges for agricultural production and rural development. The OPEC Fund chose this topic as its first because of its vital importance to all other areas of development and thus the SDGs; if people go hungry, progress on all other development goals is impos- sible. In particular SDGs 1 - No Poverty, 3 - Good Health and Well-being and 10 - Reduced Inequalities stand and fall with providing at least sufficient nutrition to everyone. Given its importance, the OPEC Fund’s strategy features food secu- rity as a cross-cutting theme in its operational priorities.

After discussing the concepts of food security and its links to agriculture, rural development and food prices (in- cluding a look at countries particularly affected by recent crises), this section concludes with snapshots of some of the OPEC Fund’s support to this area.


According to the World Bank, based on the UN’s Com- mittee on World Food Security 1996 World Food Summit, “food security is defined when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutri- tious food that meets their dietary needs and food prefer- ences for an active and healthy life 5 ”.

The four main dimensions of food security are as follows – these must be fulfilled simultaneously if food security is to be realized:

• Availability of food (the “supply side” of food security determined by food production, stock levels and net trade). • Access to food (representing an adequate amount of food that is readily available to people). • Food utilization (where food provides sufficient energy and nutrients). • Stability of the above dimensions over time (for example, food is available permanently, in sufficient amounts, and is consistently nutritious).

A wealth of information and analysis is now available to track food security issues and responses to the crisis. All

5 what-is-food-security


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