Procurement Guidelines under loans extended by the OPEC Fund

i) Where the financial assistance provides funds to an institution, such as a national development bank, to be re-lent to beneficiaries such as small farmers and small industries for the partial financing of sub-projects, the procurement will be undertaken by the respective beneficiaries in accordance with estab­ lished commercial practices, provided they are acceptable to the OPEC Fund. j) Where the financial assistance provides funds for balance of payments support or for an important program or a line of credit to a national development bank, procurement may involve the use of a variety of methods, including interna­ tional competitive bidding as may be appropriate, for the items to be pur­ chased. k) Where the project is co-financed by another developing country or countries under concessional terms acceptable to the OPEC Fund, the OPEC Fund may approve to limit the competition to firms of that developing country or coun­ tries, if the technical capacity of such firms is acceptable to the OPEC Fund and the recipient.


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