3. Bid opening, evaluation and award of contract
3.1 Time interval between invitation and submission of bids The time allowed for preparation of bids should depend on the magnitude and complexity of the contract. Generally, not less than 60 days from the date of invit ation to bid should be allowed for international bidding. Where large civil works are involved, generally, not less than 90 days from the date of invitation should be allowed to enable prospective bidders to conduct investigations at the site before submitting their bids. The time allowed, however, should be governed by the part icular circumstances of the project. 3.2 Bid opening procedures The date, hour, and place for latest delivery of bids by the bidder, and of the bid opening, should be announced in the invitation to bid, and all bids should be opened at the stipulated time. Bids delivered after the time stipulated should be returned unopened. Bids should normally be opened in public. The name of the bidder and total amount of each bid, and, of any alternative bids if they have been requested or permitted, should, when opened, be read aloud and recorded. 3.3 Extension of validity of bids Extension of validity of bids should normally not be requested. If in exceptional circumstances an extension is required, it should be requested of all bidders before the expiration date and the OPEC Fund should be notified. Bidders should have the right to refuse to grant such an extension without forfeiting their bid bond, but those who are willing to extend the validity of their bid should be neither required nor permitted to modify their bids. 3.4 Clarifications or alterations of bids Except as otherwise provided in Para. 3.10 of these guidelines, no bidder should be permitted to alter his/her bid after the first bid has been opened. Only clarific ations not changing the substance of the bid may be accepted. The recipient may ask any bidder for a clarification of his/her bid but should not ask any bidder to change the substance or price of his/her bid. 3.5 Procedures to be confidential It is undesirable that information relating to the examination, clarification, and evaluation of bids and recommendations concerning awards be communicated after the public opening of bids to bidders or to persons not officially concerned
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