OPEC Fund Annual Report 2022


– Transactions approved in euros have been converted to US$. – Minor discrepancies between figures and totals are due to rounding. – Commitments are operations and agreements that have been signed by the relevant parties.


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Publishers The OPEC Fund for International Development Parkring 8, 1010 Vienna, Austria Tel.: (+43 1) 515 64 - 0; Fax: (+43 1) 513 92 38 opecfund.org

Executive Editor: Nadia Benamara Production Editor: Iris Vittini Encarnacion Editorial Team: Abdullah Alipour-Jeddi, Howard Hudson, Carlos Opitz, Basak Pamir, Axel Reiserer, Nicholas Smith, Julia Zacharenkova Design and Print: The Gentlemen Creatives GmbH, Vienna, Austria Printed in Austria by Print Alliance HAV Produktions GmbH

This report is printed on paper from responsibly managed forests.


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