OPEC Fund Annual Report 2022


Our counterparts in Côte d’Ivoire value our relationship for being particularly close and accessible as we strive to improve the efficiency of their agriculture sector amid the broader challenges of climate change and food insecurity. This project is an excellent example of ongoing synergies with our partners at the AfDB. OMAR AL-KADHI Senior Country Manager, West & Central Africa, Public Sector Operations, OPEC Fund

With a total volume of just over US$280 million, including US$60 million from the OPEC Fund, the loan aims to increase national self-sufficiency. It will professionalize family farms, improve connecting roads to markets and establish tax-free agro-industrial parks, where large traders will be able to upgrade value chains to produce, process and market agricultural products in a more efficient manner. To ensure inclusion and sustainability, at least half of all beneficiaries are women and half are young people. The project contributes to the achievement of five UN global goals: SDG 1 - No Poverty, SDG 2 - Zero Hunger, SDG 5 - Gender Equality, SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities and SDG 13 - Climate Action.

40 %

Share of the world’s cocoa produced by Côte d’Ivoire 5-7 % Côte d’Ivoire’s share of global profit generated by the sector

55 %

Share of Ivorian cocoa producers living below the poverty line


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