Development Effectiveness Report 2022

5 and outcomes. To the extent feasible, the PRF makes use of standardized indicators for ease of aggregation and report- ing to the OFRF. Another tool introduced under the OFRF is a checklist aimed at enhancing project readiness for evaluation. The evaluation readiness checklist (ERC) assesses the extent to which pro- ject documents contain the elements needed for evaluating them once completed such as information on the develop- ment problem addressed, the expected results, monitoring arrangements, as well as cost-effectiveness and sustainabili- ty aspects of a given project. The checklist format intends to guide operational teams as they prepare their projects and documents for approval. Figure 17: OFRF project-level toolkit 16 Before the creation of the dedicated Development Effectiveness function, de- velopment effectiveness responsibilities mostly lay with operational staff, sup- ported by the Strategy and Communication departments. Lessons learned Project evaluation Evaluation Readiness checklist Strategic Alignment checklist Project Results Framework Project preparation

Finally, the strategic alignment checklist (SAC) records each project’s alignment with the SDGs and other OPEC Fund strategic priorities. This allows the Fund to better track the strategic alignment of its portfolio for planning and report- ing purposes. Project teams apply the OFRF toolkit as they prepare their projects, with the Development Effectiveness team provid- ing support and validating the outputs for consistency. In addition to supporting individual project teams in the prepa- ration of their projects, the Development Effectiveness team has also shared guidelines on the various OFRF tools and provided several rounds of training.

Implementation & results monitoring

To lay the groundwork for the OPEC Fund obtaining con- sistent and meaningful results data for all its operations, a harmonized and improved project results framework (PRF) has been introduced for public and private sector projects (replacing the logical framework format used thus far). The PRF states each project’s development objective and pro- vides baseline and target values for the main project outputs


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