Development Effectiveness Report 2022


In 2003 the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey started its Health Transformation Program (HTP) to increase the quality, efficiency and accessibility of the country’s healthcare system and facilities. In addition to upgrading hospital infrastructure, the HTP aimed at introducing a universal social insurance plan, a nationwide fami- ly practitioner scheme and performance-based pay- ments for hospitals. One of the key elements of the HTP was the introduction of public private partner- ships (PPPs) to mobilize much-needed investments for public hospitals.

structure. The financing was led by the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and also supported by ICD, IsDB’s private sector arm, and several commercial banks. The loan was disbursed during 2017 and 2018 and hospital operations started in 2018. The project resulted in a significant improvement of people’s access to healthcare services. The hospital not only provides 558 additional beds for inpatient and outpatient care, but also serves as a medical training and research center. During 2021 alone, more than two million patients were treated as outpatients and more than 90,000 patients as inpatients. 2,257 births were assisted and 19,365 surgeries performed at the hospital in 2021. At the end of 2021, the hospital employed 1,924 medi- cal staff, facility management and administrators.

As part of the HTP, in 2016 the OPEC Fund approved a US$35 million loan for the development and operation of the Manisa Research and Training Hospital under a PPP

19,365 surgeries were performed at the hospital. In 2021


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