Development Effectiveness Report 2022


Dear reader,

We are grateful for your interest in the OPEC Fund for International Development and pleased to present our first Development Effectiveness Report. This review measures the results of our projects towards the Fund’s core objective to make a decisive contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also takes stock of our analytical framework and sets out the Fund’s future approach. Ensuring the effectiveness of our operations is a key deliverable of our Strategic Framework 2030. The Framework, which was approved in 2019, provides the OPEC Fund with a clear direction of travel in its objective to en- hance its support to its partner countries. This informs its aim to become a premier MDB that is larger, agile and rele- vant to the needs of partner countries, an excellent steward of resources, and a strong contributor to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Development effectiveness is key to achieving this mission. We owe it to our member countries, who provided our mandate and financial muscle; we owe it to our partner countries, whose ideas we realize; and — most of all — we owe it to the people, whose everyday lives we improve with the impact we deliver.

That is exactly what this report captures. Our analysis shows that every OPEC Fund-approved project from 2018 to 2021 contributed to at least one SDG, with a majority (60 percent) contributing to two or more. In exceptional cases, we found the reach spread as widely as seven SDGs. Our activities benefit a broad variety of sectors. Across agriculture, health, transport, education, and water & san- itation, the greatest impact has been delivered via public sector projects. Meanwhile, our private sector projects have benefitted the financial sector and energy generation, es- pecially in renewables. Concrete results of projects com- pleted in the last few years include, for example, the em- powerment of more than 400,000 women, the support of 1.76 million farmers and the building or upgrading of more than 100 healthcare facilities. While we are proud of our achievements, they also spur us towards further improvements. To this end, we have intro- duced new tools such as a results framework, an evaluation readiness checklist and a strategic alignment checklist. As we roll out these tools, we not only deepen the impact of our projects but also strengthen our knowledge base.


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