14 Data on jobs was available for only 18 of the 167 analyzed projects, data on students benefited for only 3 of the 10 projects building/upgrading 167 school facilities, and many projects thought to have benefited women did not report the relevant data. For more details, see Annex 2. 15 Of the benefiting populations, 4.1 million were documented as actual patients of new or improved healthcare facilities. This data point comes, however, from only 3 of the 9 projects that reported building or improving 117 healthcare facilities.
While many of the results — such as the increase in energy access and generation capacity, roads constructed/refur- bished, farmers reached, or water & sanitation access pro- vided — reflect the significant contributions to development that OPEC Fund-supported projects have made, particular data on beneficiaries was not available for many projects. The reported numbers for students benefited, jobs supported, women empowered, and people trained are therefore con- sidered to significantly underestimate the actual numbers of beneficiaries. 14 Similarly, while healthcare projects typically provided esti- mates of the population in the surrounding areas that can benefit from improved facilities, very few project documents recorded data on patients treated. 15 The same is true for measures of the actual use of newly constructed or rehabil- itated roads. Another important data point that was often missing was an estimate of greenhouse gas avoidance by renewable energy projects: Only 2 of the 9 renewable energy projects completed/reaching EOM during the examination period quantified this important benefit. The improved development results tracking and monitor- ing practices introduced under the new OPEC Fund Results Framework (see Chapter 5 of this report) are not only ex- pected to gradually increase the share of projects for which results data is available, but will also put particular emphasis on measuring not just project deliverables, but also the ex- tent and benefits of their use. This will, in future, allow the OPEC Fund to provide an even more comprehensive picture of the reach and benefits of its projects.
The aggregate numbers provide a quick and very high-level overview of some of the main results of OPEC Fund projects. The ability of such numbers to convey a deeper understand- ing of the development effects of projects is, however, limit- ed. The case studies presented below describe where some of these results come from and add context and illustration to the numbers presented in this chapter.
The following case studies add context and illustration to the numbers presented in this chapter.
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