Development Effectiveness Report 2022

2 With grant operations the OPEC Fund supports devel- opment initiatives aimed at building public goods and addressing the specific needs of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in partner countries, espe- cially least developed countries. Grants have been chan- neled through over 600 partner institutions, including UN agencies and other international non-governmental organizations. OPEC Fund grant financing has often enabled partners to leverage more resources for pro- jects from other donors, thereby amplifying their scope, sustainability and potential impact. In addition to sup- porting the poorest countries, the OPEC Fund also uses grants to help enhance the quality of loan project design and implementation by, for example, building local ca- pacity for the planning and execution of Fund-support- ed development projects. The OPEC Fund has committed significant grant re- sources to agriculture and rural development initiatives aimed at enhancing food security and livelihoods of rural populations in partner countries. Other grants sup- ported initiatives in the water sector, such as capacity building of water system operators and water reuse for agricultural purposes. OPEC FUND GRANT OPERATIONS

the inclusion of children with special needs, supported girls’ education, and provided assistance to schools in refugee host communities.

In the energy sector, OPEC Fund grants have enhanced ac- cess of rural populations in developing countries to safe, clean and affordable energy services, including through electrifica- tion, energy efficiency and clean cookstoves. In the health sector, a special grant program created to tackle challenges linked to HIV/AIDS was expanded to include other global health challenges such as fighting neglected tropical and non-communicable diseases. Emergency aid grants have not only helped countries respond to unforeseen natural or man-made calamities through recov- ery and reconstruction, but increasingly support measures to anticipate and mitigate the adverse impacts of disasters. Another special grant program provides dedicated assis- tance to Palestinian refugees and Palestinians in the occupied territories, enhancing access to basic and financial services, essential infrastructure and food security. The OPEC Fund has also sponsored scholars from developing and low-income countries to take part in international con- ferences and seminars, supported various study and research projects and funded a merit-based scholarship award pro- gram for students from developing partner countries. OPEC Fund grant resources have overwhelmingly benefited the poorest countries, with 98 percent of committed grant resources dedicated to countries with GNI/capita levels of below US$5,000 (Figure 10).

In the education sector, OPEC Fund grants have sup- ported schools in rural and marginalized areas, enhanced

Figure 10: OPEC Fund grant commitments grouped by partner country GNI/capita

Grant Commitment US$










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