OPEC Fund Quarterly - 2023 Q2


BACK TO BASICS REDISCOVERING TRADITIONAL FARMING FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE Can we mass-produce food for billions of people without further damaging our ecosystems? As the debate continues, traditional and natural farming methods gain popularity based on the fact that they increase productivity, lower carbon emissions and promote biodiversity By Başak Pamir, OPEC Fund

Masanobu Fukuoka, pioneer of natural farming methods

G iven the growing impact of climate change on agriculture, the need for resilient farming practices is becoming increasingly urgent. While innovation plays a crucial role in developing new technologies, there is also a growing recognition that going back to basics and embracing traditional farming techniques can enhance climate resilience.

One such method is the Fukuoka Agriculture Method, which combines simplicity, natural processes and sustainability. The method has inspired a revival of organic farming around the world. By prioritizing traditional wisdom and ecological balance, it can offer a pathway towards resilient and sustainable agriculture.


ILLUSTRATION: ugarich – stock.adobe.com / Robin Turton

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