OPEC Fund Annual Report 2023


¤20 MN OPEC Fund loan 99 % MSME share of businesses 82 % MSME share of employment

TAREQ ALNASSAR OPEC Fund Vice President, Private Sector

We are pleased to partner with Raiffeisen Bank Albania and EBRD to improve local MSMEs’ access to finance, specifically to support women-led micro and small businesses, food security and green energy projects. Together we are making a significant contribution to bolster the strategically important micro, small and medium-sized enterprise sector, which is the engine of growth and job creation in Albania.

(Source: World Bank Group)

CHRISTIAN CANACARIS CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Albania

We are glad to be the first bank in the country to sign this agreement and engage in this remarkable partnership. It is a moment of pride for us to extend our partnership with EBRD and we are happy to initiate our collaboration with the OPEC Fund. Once again, Raiffeisen Bank Albania demonstrates its commitment to easing the financing of MSMEs and specifically to empowering women in business and green financing by strengthening our financial capacities and compliance with regulato- ry requirements. We eagerly wait for the positive outcome and impact of this joint agreement.

Of all the businesses in Albania 99 percent are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, providing over 80 percent of all jobs and producing two-thirds of all exports


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